Introducing Elite Dangerous Timeline

A vis.js visual of game events with a DynamoDB backend and Flask API.

James Montgomery

4 minute read

TL; DR I created a timeline visual from Elite Dangerous in-game events. Why? On the one hand, to further my Python learning and explore AWS DynamoDB. On the other hand, because I ultimately would like to provide some context to me in the game which is not present natively. By focusing on visualising a subset of the available events, I gain a foothold in parsing the game data into a database and putting an API in front of it.

Order, order!

Using AWS Lambda with the Todoist Sync API

James Montgomery

5 minute read

TL; DR A year ago, I took to AWS to solve a label ordering challenge in my productivity application Todoist. I’ve summarised it in this project page along with the outcome of this addition. I recently revisited to see if the REST API was updated to allow reordering of items. It had not. The relevant property was read-only, and therefore, the functionality was still exclusive to the Sync API. I took this as an opportunity to learn the Sync API for which there was an official Python library.

Duel stack life - exchanging momentum for speed

The need for speed - analysing the speed differences in AWS vs GCP

James Montgomery

5 minute read

TL; DR I knew duel stacking this site would introduce some challenges. In this case, I found myself chasing speed demons at the expense of a focus on other project time. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it - however, there’s a lesson in there. Multi-cloud thoughts This site is a project which began on the one hand as a reason to explore the GCP Firebase hosting product. Extending it to AWS has added a dimension to it whilst still being relevant to the project itself.

Google Firebase with a side of AWS Amplify

Dual hosting a Hugo static site with two of the largest CDNs in the world.

4 minute read

TL; DR In this post, I’ll discuss a rabbit hole that I went down with only a thin excuse as the reason. And here it is, a Reddit reply to a shared post from this site: I can’t view on my desktop because your site is blocked on my network. Sorry The rabbit hole in question? Dual stacking this site across Google and Amazon infrastructure. Introducing AWS Amplify I first read about Amplify in this blog post.