
Migrating to Cloudflare Pages

Moving from Cloudflare as a proxy to Cloudflare as my hosting platform.

James Montgomery

5 minute read

TL; DR I recently decided to evaluate Cloudflare as a static site hosting provider. This post covers my findings and migration from AWS Amplify. Amplify Overview The Amplify configuration is unchanged from the previous migration post. The website is statically generated content built with Hugo (noted as Hugo assets in the diagram). Cloudflare provides a proxy to save on bandwidth and provide a CDN function. Besides providing hosting for, Amplify provides several redirects.

Migrating site to AWS

Moving to AWS Amplify and Cloudflare.

James Montgomery

2 minute read

TL; DR Some time ago, I decided to multi-cloud my site. I’ve recently decided to revert to a single cloud hosting provider. I’m taking the opportunity to experience Amplify static hosting for this site. Challenges with the previous configuration Multiple hosting locations meant multiple build processes. In effect, the site was built, deployed (to Firebase) then rebuilt and redeployed (to AWS). Admittedly, the latter was rarely an overhead as the AWS Amplify CI/CD workflow was triggered upon commit to the master branch on CodeCommit.

Domain migration and enabling DNSSEC

I migrated my domain to and enabled DNSSEC on CloudFlare.

James Montgomery

3 minute read

TL; DR The renewal date on my domain was nearing. I decided to make a change from 123-reg to iwantmyname. After migration, I captured the process to enable DNSSEC when using Cloudflare for DNS. For those thinking of a similar migration, I have also documented my experience of moving to iwantmyname. domain registrar migration to iwantmyname I had used iwantmyname previously and so benefitted from having an account already.